Friday, February 12, 2010

Sore Throat Home Remedy

This article on sore throat is very informative as possess good information not only about the cause and symptoms of sore throat but also elaborate a group of useful sore throat home remedy. Sore throat considered as one of the most common disease that everyone among us can be a victim of this in each year of his life. No body here is without at least one miserable bout of sore throat. Almost everyone gets a sore throat at least once or more times per year, although the ratio of this is higher in children as compare to adults. Sore throats are mostly accompanied with cold and are most common and frequent during the winter season. A group of Sore throat home remedy will helpful to you in this regard.
How awful is this when your cute and innocent child has red, painful and scratchy feelings and great difficulty to swallow the things those are not hard enough normally. These are the first awful signs that one has experienced to be victim of sore throat, as they are felt be prepared to try your sore throat home remedy.
Sore throat occurs all of a sudden and you experience it unexpectedly in a morning when you wake up and the feel a tickling sensation behind your tongue with great scratchy feelings at the back of throat and a subtle tightness in your windpipe. In fact, the things are worsen in morning and will improve as the day progresses.
Sometimes, this sore throat is partial but typically it involves the mucous membrane of the palate, tonsils, uvula, pharynx, and sometimes extending approximately into the larynx. If this soreness of sore throat extends to glottis, it leads to a frequent harassing cough.
Sore throats are sudden and can be subsided from three to about seven days and in most cases, but they may become prolong and lasting much longer. Sore throats are seldom serious but quite often become serious when they occur as the symptoms of other underlying health condition of respiratory tract or more. So, don’t wait for its severity, its better to use sore throat home remedy as soon as possible.
This is a viral disease and 90 to 95% of cases are resolved by themselves and so sore throat home remedy are helpful in this regard. Most of the time, cold and flu viruses are the main culprit of sore throat. Others causes include allergies, pollution (airborne chemicals or irritants), dry air and smoking or exposure to second hand smoke. Some irritants like dust smoke, medication, surgery, fumes, dental works and tooth and gum infection. Excessive loud talking and chronic cough are also act as irritant to throat. Nature has given so important natural substances that are helpful and valuable for sore throat. As prevention is better than cure so, try sore throat home remedy to get rid of them.

Sore Throat Home Remedy

There is no doubt about the efficacy of natural herbs; they help us a lot without any side effect. Below are mention a list of Sore throat home remedy that will surely help you to reprieve the complication of sore throat below mention tips will help you;
• One the most important and effective suggestion is to gargle several times in a day with warm salt water.
• Suck on throat lozenges. This sore throat home remedy is more effective as compare to expensive medicines.
• Soak three table spoon of fresh ginger in hot water for 5-8 minutes and drink it before bedtime. This is naturally beneficial sore throat home remedy.
• For a sore throat one can use boil lemonade and drink it, worked wonders.
• Vinegar is also a good sore throat home remedy. Gargle every hour with vinegar to reduce painful symptoms.
• Chamomile tea is also effective sore throat home remedy, in treating pain because of its soothing nature.
• Sage tea is a popular alternative medicine can be used in the treatment of sore throats as it is beneficial in treating pharyngitis and other throat pains.

Preventive Measures Other Than Sore Throat Home Remedy

Try these measures with Sore Throat Home Remedy will help you a lot.
• Also practice good oral and hand hygiene as it the viral problems are contagious in nature.
• Also avoid close contact with people who have colds or other upper respiratory infections.
• Avoid smoking as well as avoid exposure to second hand smoke.
• Strengthen you immune system as well.